Avant Assurance

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Health insurance

Nunc posuere ornare massa quis convallis. Nunc at pharetra metus, sed feugiat lorem.

Sed fringilla, lacus et placerat scelerisque, ipsum urna tincidunt erat, eget vulputate neque magna quis neque. Etiam dictum varius nunc et fringilla. Maecenas venenatis posuere magna.

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Supplemental Insurance

Praesent nec eros vitae leo fringilla consequat ut molestie dolor. Maecenas posuere magna vitae metus tincidunt ultricies.

Cut placerat velit laoreet vitae. Mauris convallis velit diam
eu pulvinar felis faucibus id. Nam vel ex at orci volutpat placerat.
Integer rutrum risus id ipsum egestas tristique. Integer aliquam nulla vel euismod feugiat. Mauris vitae volutpat ex.

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Life insurance

Cras turpis mauris, blandit at tempor id, porttitor nec elit. Quisque sollicitudin malesuada ultrices.

Vestibulum commodo congue ex, volutpat placerat risus volutpat at. Nullam et risus diam. Proin ornare auctor vulputate. Donec placerat pulvinar quam ac fringilla. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

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Broker resources

Nunc a metus consectetur, elementum nisl ac, sagittis erat. Phasellus condimentum libero et lorem tempus.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum lobortis ipsum scelerisque ante interdum, at scelerisque dui varius. Maecenas posuere non massa vel aliquet.

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We believe in CHANGE.

Avant Assurance

Our agents doubled their income

And you can too!
Top 500 agents / $118,000
Top 200 agents / $182,000
Top 100 agents / $240,000
Top 50 agents / $308,000
Top 25 agents / $389,000

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Best decision I ever made

The foundation and the leadership is awesome in this company, being here it’s a great opportunity and as a team we work together, this team is powerful, there’s no competition we are one company all together and I found a lot of gratitude in this job because i’m able to help people on the daily basis, saving money for families and very rewarding for me personally because it gives me the opportunity to bring hope to hispanics and immigrants.

Alix Ledesma

Production Manager

We focus on what’s important

Our experienced leadership team has a proven track record of founding and scaling. Want to be part of our family? Contact us now!

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